Hello friends.
Are you all enjoying this lovely spring weather? I know that I am. Perfect temperatures and sunny days make selling jewelry even more enjoyable!
Today I would like to talk with you a little bit about a subject with which some of you may be familiar, and some not so familiar. I'd like to share a little bit of information on jewelry insurance.
Here at Studio Vincent we can't formally recommend any particular company or type of insurance, but we can formally tell you how important it is that you do get your jewelry covered under some sort of policy.
There are several different ways to get your jewelry insured, but here are important things to know and ask your agent:
Is my jewelry covered under my homeowners or renters insurance or do I need to purchase a separate policy?-This is an important question to ask. For instance, I have renters insurance, but my policy only covers up to $1,000 for jewelry purchases. My jewelry is worth more than that, so I needed additional coverage.
What is my deductible on my policy if my jewelry is lost or stolen?3.
Will I get money for purchase price or replacement value?-Keep in touch with Studio Vincent and let us know when you would like an updated appraisal. If possible, you should update your appraisal every few years and get a policy that allows you full replacement value.
How do I receive payment if I need to file a claim for lost/broken/stolen jewelry?-This is probably one of the most important things to know. Sometimes insurance companies work with specific jewelers to replace items. Make sure you get a policy that allows you to have a check cut either: a) directly to you or, b) to the jeweler of your choice. Remember that Studio Vincent jewelry needs to be repaired or re-created by us, not a generic jeweler!
Hopefully you and your jewelry will live together happily ever after, but unfortunately things do happen sometimes, and it's important to protect your treasures! Please feel free to ask your Studio Vincent design consultant if you have any additional questions.